The Upload page of the Ontology Explorer allows users to upload an Atlas.ti project exported as an XML file and transform it into a network representation. Below are the steps to upload and transform the XML file:
1. Export the Atlas.ti Project to XML
Before uploading, you need to export the complete Atlas.ti project to an XML file. This can be done using the built-in functionality of the software. The exported XML file will contain the project elements needed for processing. Refer to the following video for a demonstration of this process on macOS: Exporting Atlas.ti Project to XML (macOS)
2. Upload the XML file
After exporting the Atlas.ti project to XML, proceed to upload the XML file using the input element provided below. Follow these steps:
- Click on the input element to select the XML file from your local system.
3. Click “Upload and Transform”
To load the XML file locally (without uploading it to the server), click the “Upload and Transform” button. This action utilizes local browser storage to process the XML file into a network representation.
Note: The XML file is never actually uploaded to the server during this process, ensuring data privacy.
That’s it! You have successfully uploaded and transformed an Atlas.ti project into a network representation using the Ontology Explorer Upload page. Now, you can proceed to utilize this network on the Network Analysis page.
Alternative: sample projects
Alternatively, you can choose to load a sample project by clicking on one of the provided buttons. These buttons provide quick access to pre-loaded sample projects for exploration.